Re: Concerns about the bounties

On tor, 2004-08-05 at 13:10 +0200, Mikael Hallendal wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a formal complaint about the bounties. I think that it's a bad
> idea for this kind of things to be channeled through the foundation. 

I have to agree. I find it very odd that this hasn't been discussed
before being all set and announced.

Since I don't remember reading about any bounties in the board's
minutes, and can't find any when looking back now, I'm going to assume
for now that it's just a mistake and not really a board deal, or that I
simply missed the discussion.

On the matter of the actual bounties; while I don't think they are a
good way to attract new hackers, I do think that if the board or
foundation decides that we should have them, at least make sure that the
actual tasks are collected from the maintainers of GNOME modules. As it
is now, a maintainer might not even want a particular feature, which
would look really strange to the submitter since the whole thing is
presented as a GNOME project.


Imendio HB,

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