Re: let's do a quick vote on the charter

On 29 Sep 2000 00:42:20 +0200
 Martin Baulig <martin home-of-linux org> wrote:

#Whatever slate gets elected need to be a team and the board also needs to
#function which means that it needs to have the people who're best suited
#for the job and not the people who're the most popular.

If we created many positions on the Committee then the popular vote getters
power will be balanced when making important decisions regarding the future of

Can someone publish a listing of the positions so we can nominate people to
them?  Of course, they'd have to accept/agree to be in the running.  Assuming
that we wipe out the slate idea which I don't like and voted 'no'.

How many board members will they'll be? 15, 25, 50?
unemployed geek, doc gal, CFO, CEO, CTO, UI design, gnome libraries guy, etc.

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