Minutes of the Board Meeting of February, 16th, 2016

= Minutes for Tuesday, February 16th 2016, 20:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tuesday, February 23th, 20:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Shaun McCance
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Allan Day
 * Andrea Veri
 * Jeff F. T.

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * GUADEC Contract
 * GNOME.Asia budget
 * Outreachy
 * Next adboard meeting
 * Free software funding campaign
 * ED search update scheduling

 * ED search update
 * Google Play account
 * Status of logo copyright
 * J-P Mengual's partnership request for accessibility work
 * Unixstickers
 * Meta-discussion on attracting new contributors?
 * CiviCRM discussion
 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks
 * Meta-discussion on attracting new contributors
 * Jeff reimbursement request (from the mailing list)
 * GNOME.Asia budget
 * Endless joining the AB
 * GUADEC contract
 * Google ad grant
 * Trademark request: chrome extension - bug 727936 - integration with GNOME Shell
 * Julita's event in March
 * Next adboard meeting

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC contract
  * We have dates, going to be announced soon. Board meeting 8/10 Adboard 8/11 Conference 8/12-8/14 Hackfests 
    * Should send mail to announce adboard meeting at GUADEC!
  * There are changes to the contract previously circulated
    * Not included a way to pay with cards
    * Not going to have a bank account
    * Going to provide a debit card for organizers to use
  * Should reimburse with a donation the person advancing money for organization expenses
  * What would LinuxTag EV pay for?
    * Workshops, collecting money for those
    * Insurance, equipment, etc
    * Venue
    * Keynote speakers
    * Events, car rental, coffee breaks
    * They would also collect the money from local sponsors, so it does not have to go through the US
  * For card payments, we could use Square
    * We can register an account in the US, should also work in Europe
    * Should work over WiFi, only needs internet connectivity
    * Needs Android or iOS
    * We can discuss on the ML
  * ACTION: Kat will follow up and send the contract to the ML, we can vote there if needed

 * GNOME.Asia budget
  * What we did in previous year was that the Foundation advanced some money, and sponsor money was offset 
against that sum
    * Any sponsorship beyond that is available to the organizers to spend however they see fit
    * If no sponsorship up to that amount, it would be at a loss for the GNOME Foundation
  * Minimum spending they would like so far: $10k on travel, $1k on food, $350 for a shuttle bus (to 
transport people to the venue), $500 for t-shirts
    * T-shirts are to be given away for staff, speakers, etc - not sold
    * Similar numbers to last year
  * Kat's recommendation: assign the GNOME.Asia committee $13k.
    * VOTE: +1 Shaun, Kat, Cosimo, Andrea, Allan, Alexandre. Jeff abstained.
    * ACTION: Kat will follow up with the organizers

 * Outreachy
  * Vote passed on the mailing list, nothing to discuss

 * Next adboard meeting
  * Allan put some notes together on how to conduct those meetings in the most productive way
    * https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoardPrivate/AdvisoryBoard/RemoteMeetingPlanning
  * ACTION: Shaun to schedule the next meeting
    * March or April? Let's pick a date in April, preferably towards the beginning

 * Free software funding campaign
  * Mail from Diogo Campos about a Free Software campaign in Brazil
  * He should probably talk to the individual maintainers of the modules he wants to be affected
  * Does he already have the people that would do the work identified?
    * We can certainly advertise it, but that that's different than a full-on endorsement
    * Would probably like to see some more detail before advertising it, e.g. verify that it's legitimate
  * People should feel free to reply to his message and ask questions

 * ED search update scheduling
  * Special guest: Sri from the ED search committee
  * Started in September, went through 7 candidates, now converged on a single candidate

 * ED search update
  * 2015-12-01 
   * No news received in recent weeks, mostly because of holidays
  * 2015-12-08
   * 3 candidates are going to have a couple of one hour interviews with ~2 members of the hiring committee 
per interview. Scheduling of these metings is just beginning.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2015-01-12
   * No updates.
  * 2016-01-19
   * Committee has completed interview with two final candidates 
   * They should have a final answer/proposal to the board within a few weeks
  * 2016-02-02
   * Expect more news this week - we'll start scheduling interviews soon
  * 2016-02-09
   * Sri from the ED committee wants to present to the Board at next week's meeting
   * A list of candidates that are deemed good and have been vetted by the committee will be presented at the 
  * 2016-02-16
  * The ED Search committee converged on a single candidate
 * Google Play account
  * 2015-12-01
   * ACTION: Alexandre to follow up with the Release Team about this
  * 2015-12-08
   * Alexandre mailed the Release Team today, still waiting for an answer.
  * 2015-12-15 to 2016-01-19
   * No updates.
  * 2016-02-02
   * Release team did not come to an agreement/conclusion. Unclear what next steps should be

 * Status of logo copyright
  * 2015-12-01
   * ACTION: Shaun to send out email to d-d-l with proposal
   * No news on this, action item from Shaun is still pending.
  * 2015-12-08 to 2016-01-19
   * No updates.
  * 2016-02-02
   * Shaun will try to pick it up this week

 * CiviCRM discussion (from 2015-12-15's minutes)
  * ACTION: Jeff to pick the item up again in 2016

 * Sysadmin fundraising levels and perks (last discussion from 2016-01-05)
  * 2016-01-12
   * Awaiting for Andrea's reply
  * 2016-01-19
   * Andrea replied back to Jeff
   * Jeff to bring the item back during any of the upcoming meetings  

 * Meta-discussion on attracting new contributors -  
  * 2016-01-05
   * Item has been deferred.
  * 2016-02-09
   * Allan and Jeff have a list of ideas, we could rank them by feasibility/effectiveness and take action on 
the first few
   * https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/attracting-contributors-discussion

 * Jeff reimbursement request (from the mailing list, discussed on the 2016-01-12)

 * Unixstickers
  * 2016-02-02
   * Allan has an action item to follow up with this
   * Kat put some information on the agreements page for similar cases
  * 2016-02-09
   * Allan drafted email - need to send that out
  * 2016-02-16
   * Allan has been in touch with them. Got a good response and sent a draft agreement document. Will be 
having a call with them on Friday.

 * GNOME.Asia budget
  * 2016-02-02
   * Kat volunteers to help them to write a proper budget, and then go from there
  * 2016-02-09
   * No updates.
  * 2016-02-16
  * Kat will follow up with the organizers communicating the Board assigned the GNOME.Asia committee $13k 

 * GUADEC contract
  * 2016-02-02
   * Kat will proceed adjusting the current draft to address the local oraganizer's requests
  * 2016-02-09
   * No updates
  * 2016-02-16
   * Kat will follow up and send the contract to the ML, we can vote there if needed

 * Google ad grant
  * 2016-02-02
   * Alexandre to follow up with the procedure to get registered
  * 2016-02-09
   * No updates

 * Trademark request: chrome extension - bug 727936 - integration with GNOME Shell
  * 2016-02-02
   * Cosimo to draft an agreement and then we can move the vote on the mailing list
  * 2016-02-09
   * No updates

 * Julita's event in March
  * 2016-02-09
   * ACTION: Shaun to contact her about the event being approved
  * 2016-02-16
   * No updates.

 * Next adboard meeting
  * 2016-02-09
   * ACTION: Shaun to send out email to find a good time for the meeting
  * 2016-02-16
   *  ACTION: Shaun to schedule the next meeting

== Discussed on the mailing list ==
 * Outreachy sponsorship for one GNOME intern for the May 2016 round
  * For the current round of Outreachy all the four GNOME interns will be sponsored by other orgs: two by Red 
Hat, one by Endless, and one by the FSF.
  * VOTE: approve 6.5k, these funds are going to be used if there are strong candidates, who are not covered 
by dedicated sponsorship for GNOME from other organizations
  * VOTE: +1 unanimous

== Completed action items ==

== Pending action items ==
 * Allan and Sri to coordinate with the engagement team to better standardize the licensing of GNOME artwork
 * Cosimo to follow up with interested parties on how to spend the Privacy campaign funds
 * Jeff and Cosimo to handle the first review of sysadmin sponsorship brochure and any eventual improvement 
to the sponsorship brochure
 * Shaun: GNOME logo use by podiatrist
  * Podiatrist possible trademark infringement: Shaun to check the trademark details for the GNOME logo and 
update the licensing page on the website (obsolete)
 * Kat to draft a call for Free Desktop-style hackfests which would be sponsored with money raised for 
defence against Groupon
 * Logo usage for t-shirts: Allan to carry on with the process and follow up and have some general guidelines 
written down for future cases
 * Shaun and Allan to create a webpage for prior pants winners
 * Cosimo to follow up in the upcoming meetings and prepare a version of the CoC to be finally considered 
final over all the GNOME yearly events
 * Kat to draft a contract template for future use organizations for which we handle money
 * Kat to propose privacy bounty T&C/rules for review
 * Andrea to write the Privacy policy for GNOME services (current draft is at 
  * Sysadmin Team's NDA should also be covered when dealing with this item
 * Allan will look at gnome-software privacy issues from a legal standpoint
 * Cosimo to draft a proposal for the photography policy at GNOME conferences to discuss on foundation-list
 * Christian to investigate the GNOME gifts situation (inventory management: some stuff we have heaps of, 
some we run out of stock quickly; consider an on-demand production service)




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av

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