Hello Foundation Members! I've been in contact recently with the GANDI.net team [1] and they've been so kind to offer our membership some great discounts on all their available services! (domains, websites hosting, SSL certificates, Cloud VPS servers ) What is GANDI offering us ---- What GANDI is kindly offering us is an E-Rate discount [1] on all the services listed above. Below you can see the discounted prices for the various services: Domains: https://www.gandi.net/domain/price/info?grid=E Simple hosting: https://www.gandi.net/hosting/simple?language=php&db=mysql&grid=E SSL Certificates: https://www.gandi.net/ssl/grid Cloud VPS servers (IaaS): https://www.gandi.net/hosting/iaas/prices?grid=E How can I receive the discount? ---- 1. Create a GANDI handle at https://www.gandi.net. If you have an existing account you can skip this step. 2. Set your handles' prepaid account currency accordingly to the one in use in your country. 3. Mail non-profit gandi net from your @gnome.org mail address indicating your GNOME Foundation membership status and Gandi handle. (every GNOME Foundation Member with a GNOME account (i.e git) should have its @gnome.org alias enabled already, if you are unsure about the details or the alias is not working, please mail accounts gnome org 4. Wait for a positive reply. Your account should now have applied an E-Rate discount. This information is available at [3] as well. Who should I contact in case no one updated my account within a few weeks? ---- Please mail <av AT gnome DOT org> by forwarding the email you sent to the above specified address specifying you did not receive a reply since several weeks. Special thanks to GANDI ---- I would like to thank GANDI for their continued support to the FOSS world [4] and for the great discounts they are offering to our membership! That should be all, have an awesome day everyone! [1] https://www.gandi.net/whowe/ [2] http://wiki.gandi.net/en/billing/rate [3] https://wiki.gnome.org/MembershipCommittee/MembershipBenefits#GANDI_discounts [4] https://www.gandi.net/supports/ -- Cheers, Andrea Debian Developer, Fedora / EPEL packager, GNOME Sysadmin Team Coordinator, GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av
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