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Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2002 18:54:24 -0400
From: Lord High Gegl <gegl gegl gov int>
To: foundation-announce gnome org
Subject: Candidacy
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Name:                           The GEGL
Email:                          [SUPER GOAT SPAM OBFUSCATER]
Corporate Affiliation:          U Fleku


I am your leader. You will vote for me. Your loyalty the cause will be
rewarded with

        o       Easter eggs in the style guide rules

        o       Replacement of "themes" with crude line drawings

        o       Mandatory GEGL logo's for all member companies

        o       The requirement to buy GEGL cuddly toys

        o       The replacement of the phone conference. Its deeply
                unfair as a phone is hard for a GEGL to use.

I am your leader, you will vote for me

                Geglus Maximus

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