Re: Bitstream Vera fonts rpm

Here's the issue about running fc-cache...

"fc-cache" by itself should have been sufficient to cause just the
affected cache files to get redone.

But prior to fontconfig 2.2 (about to be released), on some systems 
(including my laptop), there has been a bug such that the right cache 
files don't get computed/written when they should.  I believe Keith thinks 
this bug has been fixed.

The workaround prior to 2.2 is to execute a "fc-cache -f" to force
redoing *all* of the cache files.  This can be time consuming on systems
with lots of fonts, but it at least works reliably, so that installed
fonts actually appear.

"fc-cache -V" will tell you fontconfig's version number.  Ideally (presuming
the bug is really dead), you'd check the version number, and only run
with the "-f" option if you see old versions of fontconfig.
                             - Jim

Jim Gettys
Cambridge Research Laboratory
HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard Company
Jim Gettys hp com

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