GSoC Idea: Integration of external RAW developer software

Hello f-spot devs and users,

my name is Camilo, I am a student and amateur photographer. For my photo organization needs, I use shotwell, but there is one thing that I miss from that software: a way of seamlessly exporting photos to be developed in external RAW software like rawstudio, ufraw, darktable, etc. I think this should happen as transparently as possible to the user, in a way that does not affect the photo manager's database. The developed jpeg should then be linked to the original RAW, as a version of the original, in f-spot parlance.

Last year I submitted a patch to rawstudio for it to work in a "client-mode", that is, emulating ufraw, including accepting the same command line options. The purpose of this being, that the manager software can specify a target file (jpeg) it wants the development to be saved on exit.

My idea was to integrate this with Shotwell during this year's Google Summer of Code under the umbrella of GNOME, and for this purpose I submitted a proposal. Sadly, while they were very enthusiastic about the project, there is no developer available at this point of time to mentor me.

So, because this is something I'd very much like to see in at least one free software photo manager, I am submitting the proposal to you.

Here is more info about the proposal:

Including my GNOME application:

Now, this would needs, of course, to be adapted to f-spot, and I must admit I am not familiar with its codebase, while to Shotwell I had already contributed. I am willing to study it, though, and, during the pre-gsoc time, contribute a few bug fixes or minor features to help me understand it better.

What do you think is the feasibility of and interest in this feature for f-spot? Is there a mentor available?

Any comments are welcome.

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