Re: Ubuntu/Kubuntu 11.10 oneiric support

Perhaps f-sopt does not works properly on the new GNOME3 environment.
On sept-7, Iain Lane (Debian and Ubuntu maintainer) proposes not to include f-spot on Ubuntu 11.10 due to modifications it is needed to make in order that f-sopt can work over GNOME3.

Al 14/10/11 12:11, En/na Simon Lindgren ha escrit:
fre 2011-10-14 klockan 10:18 +0200 skrev josep Cols:
Do you know if f-spot is included and it works on Ubuntu/Kubuntu 11.10
I'm ussing f-spot and I need it works before upgrade.
Thanks a lot
A quick look at reveals that f-spot
is packaged in the gnome category. I'm not a Ubuntu user so I don't know
if it actually works (why shouldn't it though?).

If you are worried you should install oneiric in a VM and try it out, or
just boot the livecd which should cover hardware-specific issues as

If you boot the livecd you I don't think you will find F-Spot there, you
will need to install it (in the live environment). Some LiveCDs allow
this, some don't, I'm not sure about Ubuntu.

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