Re: adding a new exporter to F-spot ? (question for F-spot developers)


First off, that's excellent. Another popular exporter is fantastic news. I can't speak for F-Spot proper since Ruben Vermeersch is the currrent maintainer but at the moment I am actively working on setting up a F-Spot Community Extensions project. My idea is to remove the exporters and editors from F-Spot and make them part of the community extensions. Then that can be released separately and as often as necessary to address necessary updates. It would also hopefully dramatically lower the bar for extension creation with some much needed automation (for reference the entirety of this idea and a lot of the initial set-up comes from the Banshee Community Extensions project). So, to me that would be an excellent place for this.

However, I'm sure if you create a patch or put the code in a repository that can be pulled from then it could be included in the next release -- whenever that is. You would need to create a repository based on the latest code from the GNOME git repository and make sure the new exporter is integrated at all levels including makefiles and Monodevelop solution. And be sure not to introduce any warnings, I'm counting. :)

Additionally, you could check into making your own, online, controlled F-Spot repository for add-ins. Users could then add that repository to their F-Spot add-in manager and get the add-in directly from you. That gives you maximum control if you want to provide updates often.

When I get the F-Spot Community Extensions project ready for developers to add extensions I will post here. Hope this helps.



On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 5:21 AM, Petr H. <petr henych gmail com> wrote:

I'd like to find out the possibility to include a new extension/exporter directly into F-spot. is the largest photo-sharing web site in Czech Republic, currently having about 500,000 users, sharing about 250,000,000 photos and videos grouped in 4,000,000 albums. We offer many possibilities how to upload photos from Windows platform (desktop application, webupload, shell extension, plugins for Lightroom, Picasa and Windows Live Gallery), but we'd like to cover somehow Linux platform too. The idea was to extend two existing possibilities (desktop application running under Wine, webupload) with plugins for favorite personal photo management applications (like F-spot is).
The first version of our plugin for F-spot has been almost completed, see attached picture (Fedora sample). My question sounds like that:
Would it be possible to include this exporter among built-in extensions of F-spot (by adding a source code to the tree and doing appropriate maintenance) ? Or is the current set of built/in extensions "closed", so our possibility is only to offer a separate "external" plugin for F-spot ?

Best regards
Petr Henych developer

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