Re: md5_sum column - Developing command line tool for F-Spot

sön 2010-05-30 klockan 19:52 +0200 skrev Robin Clarke:
> My problem: To search local files and identify whether they are in the
> database yet, I want to create the md5 hash, and search the database for
> this hash.  Problem is that the md5 hash I generate for a known image
> doesn't come out the same as the one in the database.  I've heard that
> it is just the image data which is used (without the meta data), but if
> someone has some more specific information, that would be very helpful.

This seems to be the c# code that generates the md5 sum. Hope it will
help you...

     public static string GenerateMD5 (SafeUri uri)
         try {
            if (md5_cache.ContainsKey (uri))
               return md5_cache [uri];

            using (Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = ThumbnailGenerator.Create (uri))
               byte[] serialized = GdkUtils.Serialize (pixbuf);
               byte[] md5 = MD5Generator.ComputeHash (serialized);
               string md5_string = Convert.ToBase64String (md5);

               md5_cache.Add (uri, md5_string);
               return md5_string;
         } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.DebugException (String.Format ("Failed to create MD5Sum
for Uri: {0}\n", uri), e);

         return string.Empty;

Johan, not a C# guru either

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