ANNOUNCE: F-Spot 0.7.1 Released!

Four weeks after F-Spot 0.7.0, we are happy to announce the immediate
availability of the second release in the 0.7 development series: F-Spot
0.7.1. This series will lead up to the release of F-Spot 0.8.0, which is
scheduled for the beginning of September, well in time for inclusion in
the major distributions. 

The most notable change in this release is the integration of Taglib#, a
new metadata library that should give us much better stability and
metadata support.

Notable changes in this release are:

 * Switch to Taglib#. This brings some regressions in terms of the   
   number of supported RAW file formats. Will be resolved before 0.8.

 * Support for XMP sidecars.

 * "Remove from camera after import"-option

 * Tons of cleanups and refactorings, patches upstreamed, usability
   issues tackled, build retooling and the conversion between glade and

 * Many bugs fixed and improvements in stability: Over 85 bugs closed:

 * 263 files changed, 15432 insertions(+), 37416 deletions(-)

We're working with a long-term vision here: part of the goals of the 0.7
series is becoming lean and mean again, cleaning up the codebase and
making F-Spot maintainable/hackable again. This means that a lot of work
happens behind the scenes. We're building the foundation for the future

More info on my weblog:

People with code (and documentation) contributions to this release:

                Ademir Mendoza, Alex Launi, Anton Keks, Bertrand
                Lorentz, Christian Krause, Evan Briones, Gabriel Burt,
                Iain Churcher, Iain Lane, Lorenzo Milesi, Mike Gemünde,
                Nick Van Eeckhout, Paul Lange, Paul Wellner Bou, Peter
                Goetz, Ruben Vermeersch, Tomas Kovacik, Trevor Buchanan
Translators for this release:

                Andrej Žnidaršič (Slovenian), Fran Diéguez (Galician),
                Mario Blättermann (German), Mattias Põldaru (Estonian),
                Miloš Popović (Serbian), Xandru Armesto (Asturian)

This new release can be downloaded here:
	Or through GNOME git, using the 0.7.1 tag.

Full NEWS overview:

f-spot 0.7.1 - Jul 14 2010 - The Big Switch
- Second release of the unstable 0.7 development series. Most notably
  including a switch to Taglib#. Regressions in the amount of RAW
  types supported, will be fixed before releasing 0.8.
 - Switched to a new Taglib#-backed metadata layer. This is a huge change
   which should bring us increased stability (in the long run) and a much
   easier to maintain metadata layer than the one we previously had. Also
   enables some funky new features like XMP sidecars. (Ruben Vermeersch,
   Mike Gemünde)
 - Add support for XMP sidecars (Ruben Vermeersch)
 - Add "remove from camera after import"-option (Ruben Vermeersch)
 - Start of a massive backend cleanup (Mike Gemünde)
 - Upstreaming of a lot of Debian/Ubuntu patches (Iain Lane)
 - Several dialogs converted from glade to GtkBuilder (Ademir Mendoza,
   Nick Van Eeckhout, Peter Goetz, Trevor Buchanan)
 - Code refactorings and cleanups, increased Hyena adoption (Evan Briones,
   Paul Lange, Paul Wellner Bou)
 - Small usability improvements (Alex Launi, Anton Keks, Iain Churcher,
   Tomas Kovacik)
 - More build retooling (Bertrand Lorentz, Christian Krause, Gabriel Burt)
 - Many bugs fixed and improvements in stability: Over 85 bugs closed

Ruben Vermeersch (rubenv)

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