Re: Shift-select no longer working in import window/Import speed?

No, just the normal JPEG stuff.

And sorry about the typo's in the original mail. Ooopps.


On 11/12/10 20:46, Pat Suwalski wrote:
If it's related to RAW, see if it's the same as


On 10-12-10 11:18 AM, James Hughes wrote:
I have recently started using the latest F-Spot with, I htink, the new
import code. A couple of things I have found a bit annoying.

First is the speed - its very very slow. I tried using direct attachment
to my camera (Canon-D450), or by inserted card in to reader, both time
it was very very slow. There were 500 images on the card and in the end
I gave up waiting for the previews to be displayed, deleted some already
downloaded images, and tried again. I didnt have this problem with
previous versions.

Secondly, when using the import window I would regularly use shit-click
and ctrl-click to select which images I wanted to import. Shift click no
longer seems to work.

Are these known issues? Are there any workarounds?



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