Re: Face detection / recognition / tagging

On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 19:12 +0300, Aigars Mahinovs wrote:
> 2009/9/10 Ali Servet Donmez <asd pittle org>:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > this is Ali Servet Donmez from Italy.
> >
> > I simply need to know if there's enough interests having face
> > detection/recognition in F-Spot implemented?
> >
> > I need to know this, because I just proposed a thesis project for my
> > Computer Science graduation and before giving my final decision to the
> > professor I need to be sure that someone really really wants this.
> Have you seen what Apple iPhoto does? Basically the best scenario
> would be to detect faces and try to cluster people tagging the photos
> along the way, one would need a way to teach the algorithm things like
> - 'here is a face', 'this face is person X', 'this face is a new
> person Y' and 'this is not a face'. The program should also be able to
> go back into your old photo library and tell you 'I think I've seen
> this person before - please select on which image I have correctly
> found him'. Note that there might be multiple faces per photo and
> there should be a good way to tell which face is which person (as in:
> tags at the bottom of the photo do not tell us in which order people
> are on the photo). There could be a way to show which faces I have
> tagged manually and which the computer tagged and what his confidence
> factor was for each face (color of the face-detected rectangle's
> border could be used for such indication).
> This would be a very, very great and important feature if done right
> and working with even moderate success rate.

Hopefully, that's what I (want to)/will do. Thanks for sharing Aigars!

Ali Servet Donmez <asd pittle org>

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