Flicker Bug

I've just been browsing the bug database and came across my old friend the screen flicker bug (581284 and 588378). I find this quite problematic as I used to use the 'V' keystroke a lot to get the name of the filename. This is because I use very long filenames and I'm still in the process of tagging my photos in f-spot, and very often need to look at the filename to find out what tag to use.

I'm aware that the filename is also displayed under 'Image Information' in the left panel but this is massively truncated for long filenames. A workaround is to temporarily drag and widen the left panel until I can see the whole filename, then drag it back to see the image fully.

I've also tried changing the display from my usual Tag list to the Metadata panel. This is quite cool but as far as I can tell none of the items shows the filename unless I've missed something.

The only other workaround I sometimes use, and it is clumsy, is to use 'Copy Photo Location' then paste it and edit it in the Tag field. It also runs the risk of typos and some very bizarre tag names!

Any progress on this bug or any workarounds?



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