Re: Roadmap to 1.0

On Mon, 2009-05-11 at 01:08 +0000, João Paulo Rechi Vita wrote:
> Michael Wayne Goodman <goodman.m.w <at>> writes:
> > A while ago I wrote a patch to allow customization of the directory
> > structure of imported items, which Alessio Gaeta graciously updated.
> >
> > 
> > Is such behavior (if not this patch) going to be included in the
> > import process?
> IMHO, this is the most missing feature f-spot has so far. Keep up the good work!

I'd argue that true shared/multi-user/machine access to the database and
photos repository is more in demand than the above.

Who really cares how the photos are stored if one is always using f-spot
to access them?  IMHO, you were not meant to go trawling through the
structure that f-spot creates and if you need to, for whatever reason,
then a feature is missing from f-spot.


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