Backup in multiple DVDs and relate stuffs

First. Thank you very much for your work.

1. I have more o less 3,000 photos within F-spot for the last 9 months.
2. I want to backup all of them as well as the TAGS and all other work I have done within F-Spot. (I know to backup that file "photos.db")
3. I want to store such data in DVDs and errase the pictures from the computer. Continuing using the tags of course.
4. I want to begin to import my new pictures and backup when I will not have enough space in it.
5. In some years I want to put together the backups (2, 3 or how many I will have) and build a complete database from all my pictures.

How can I achieve this?

P.S. I am living in an other country for some years that is the reason.

Thank you very much.


P.S. II. Does the current version of F-Spot works well with Videos (.mov or .avi)?

P.S. III. 

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