Merging new and old databases

I have a backed-up photos.db from version 0.2.1 that has a lot of tags
not in my current database in f-spot  Of course, there are
many tags in the database that aren't in the 0.2.1.

Database       |     .5        |    .2
New Photos    |     X        |
New Tags        |     X        |
Old Photos     |     X         |    X
Old Tags          |   Some   |    X

Is there a way I could pull the tags from photos.db-0.2.1 into my
current database?  My skills with sql aren't up to the task of writing
a script to do the job so I'm hoping it's already written or there's
another way to do it.  Otherwise I'll be tagging them all over again.

Thanks in advance.


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