Several flaws with importing files from memory cards...


even with the latest ubuntu version (jaunty beta) I have several issues
with the import function of f-spot
(what is called by gnome when you plug a card in).

- on some of my machines f-spot does not import the files into the
configured folder (such as ~/Photos), but puts
them directly into the home directory in flat structure, i.e. without

- importing it is significantly slower than a simple cp -a

- If a file with a similar file name exists (e.g. from an aborted copy),
f-spot just causes error messages and is not able to
  deal with that case

- detection of dupes does not seem to work properly

- creating date oriented directory structures does not seem to work

So actually there's lots of problems with the import function. I would
suggest to rewrite the importing
completely do deal with those cases...


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