time change in exif data on import

Hi everybody,

just some thoughts to the all well known and in all depth discussed
trouble with f-spot changing the time to UTC while importing. There are
a couple of use cases why f-spot shouldn't do anything at all and where
the current behaviour is even more broken:

I took pictures during the weekend Europe switched from CEST to CET. The
importing happened when we already were at CET, some of the pictures
would have been at CEST if I had set the clock to correct local time.
F-Spot did ignore the change completely and shifted everything by 1
hour, even the pictures where a 2 hour shift would be correct.

In my case this is mpt as annoying as I have my camera on UTC

So imagine the following case: I go to a different timezone, take
pictures. I move to another timezone, more pictures. Just for fun add in
a switch from summer to winter time. Now I import all pictures in one

There are now a couple of possibilities:

- I changed the time on my camera to the correct local time where I took
the photos. Problem: f-spot does not know the timezone, the TZ is
different for different pictures, as might be the shift from DST ->
f-spot cannot change the time without knowing all details

- My camera was always running in a fixed TZ (local of my home, UTC,
whatever). Easy case: move by fixed amount

- A mix of both. At some time I figured "Oh, damn, forgot to change the
camera". So I not only have local differences, but a complete arbitrary
change in time. No way to fix this automatically in a way easier than to
do it manually right from the start

So my suggestion how to solve this: do not change anything on import
automatically. Make a input field to change all images by an offset,
disabled by default. Get the adjust time extension working and use this
for all more complicated use cases.

An automatic guessing for the time shift will fail for some (not really
weird) settings anyway, so go for the simple solution to do it manually.

The behaviour right now is a serious annoyance and should be fixed ASAP.
There should be no automatic correction of the harm done already, as the
shift might be done at some pictures, at others not, at some undone
manually etc. No way to figure out this automatically...

What do you think, what are the plans to fix this?

best regards

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