Re: tools not available ?

if you're running f-spot > 0.5.0, the Edit tools were moved to the
Sidebar. if the sidebar is not shown, hit F9.



On Sun, 2008-11-02 at 12:13 +0100, Marcin Palacz wrote:
> Since some time, I am not any more able
> to acces any of the f-spot edit tools
> (red-eye, crop, streighten, colors...).
> They are simply not there, after clicking the "Edit Image"
> toolbar icon, or double clicking on the image, etc.
> I am not actually sure since when I have this problem.
> Perhaps it happened after an upgrade to a newer f-spot version,
> but I am not sure. After a month of not using
> f-spot, I started it again, and then slowly realized that there used
> to be a few more functions available....
> I have of course first  tried to search for the solution
> in many places, tried with a fresh user account...
> Any hints? Thanks in advance.
> Marcin
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