Re: PicasaWeb export - "Expectation Failed"

working fine here...

Il giorno sab, 13/12/2008 alle 09.30 -0500, Daniel Falk ha scritto:
> I'm having trouble using the picasa export.  The original connection
> works fine, the username and password appear to be ok, but when I try to
> add a new album, I get: 
> "The following error was encountered while attempting to create an
> album: The remote server returned an error: (417) Expectation failed."
> There's nothing that appears in the console for this error when it is
> run from the terminal.  What's more: if I try to upload to an already
> existing album, it times out.  (It seems to think it has transferred
> 144K every time before timing out.)
> This problem is occurring with the head revision running on Ubuntu Hardy
> Heron.
> Thanks
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