Re: Help with sqlite?

Thanks, since I wrote I found the id of the tag I'm interested in, and
found I could find the photo id's of the photos with that tag in the
photo_tags table, and then find the location in the photos table, but
I couldn't figure out how to do it with one select statement.

You're right, though, I didn't realize a "copy photo location" would
work for multiple selections. That is easier, but it would still be
cool to automate it. Thanks for the idea!


On 6/13/07, Stephane Delcroix <stephane delcroix org> wrote:
.schema photos
.schema tags
.schema photo_tags

but that's probably not the right way of doing that... I'd select
(within f-spot) all the pcitures with the right tag, then
right-click>copy photo location and do the symlink based on this...



On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 17:45 -0400, Todd Slater wrote:
> I'd like to make symlinks to photos tagged with "background" or
> favorites in the f-spot database so my wallpaper manager will see
> them. I'm not at all familiar with sqlite but I started poking around
> today to try to figure out how I might accomplish this. I see the
> tables 'tags', 'photo_tags', and 'photos'. I can see the path to the
> photos, but I can't see how to link tags to an image path.
> If somebody can provide a sample query or an idea of how the tables
> are related I'd be much obliged.
> Thanks,
> Todd
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