Categorization Icons

There have been many times now that I have been asked to send another
user my list of categories and or some of the icons I have used.

I unfortunately have to inform them that they must, unlike a
web-browser, manually enter each category and then also must suffer
with the limited and predefined icons unless they do the icon trick of
having F-Spot import a version of the icon and then use that. Of
course this is more technical than most people want to deal with just
to organize photos.

I think it would be very advantageous to the end-user to enable an
import and export feature for the categories names and the categories
icons just like a web-browser does.

This type of feature, standard in most web browsers, would also enable
someone to host a website that would encourage the trade of these, let
us call them 'Category Theme Sets' thus promoting F-Spot with design
users and basic end-users who are customization nuts.

Sincerely yours,
Richard Krone

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no
matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and
your own common sense.

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