0 padding dates


I've been using F-Spot for a while. Thanks for a great product! I have 16k+ pictures in mine and it's better on my 3 year old desktop than iPhoto on my new MacBook.

I saw in the release notes for 0.3.1 that months and days are now zero padded upon creation which is a good thing, however I would like to update all of my existing images to this format. I think I can pull off getting iPhoto to play more nicely with the directory structure if they are that way. F-Spot is my primary management application, so now that it supports it, it's time to play with things.

Any suggestions on how to go about moving things? I know that I could write a script to rename all the folders and then directly modify the F-Spot database with SQL, but I't be better to update things with a button in F-Spot somewhere.

(On a similar note, I know the "Invalid size of entry" thing has been fixed. There was a mention of a tool/feature to go back through the database and fix all existing entries like that but I haven't seen anything in the changelogs. Any suggestion on this as well or is SQL going to be the way to go?)



Chris Kelly
ckdake ckdake com

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