Re: F-Spot slow when scrolling 8000+ pictures

I saw this too after I erased my ~/.thumbnails directory -- it was large
at 6GB.  After erasing it, F-Spot, I think, tried regenerating
thumbnails for all of my 50,000 pictures.  It took a long time and I
think it stalled a few times.  I had to restart the application before it got to
the point where the slowness went away.

On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 11:13:28PM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Although I've seen that there are those on this list with more
> pictures than myself, I seem to have a problem with large numbers of
> pictures. When I scroll the first few hundred of pictures in my 8000+
> collection, all is fine. However, as I get deeper into the photos,
> F-Spot becomes unbearably slow. If I scroll a screenful, it takes the
> machine almost half a minute to reposition the thumbnails.
> I searched for a bug but did not find one. Should I file it? What info
> (other than what is here) should I add?
> This is an AMD Duron 1.3 gHz machine with 1GB RAM. I'm using F-Spot
> 0.3 built from CVS a few weeks ago.
> Dotan Cohen
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