Re: Summary of last meeting

Quoting David Tenser <djst mozilla gmail com>:

> kevin sheehan zoom co uk wrote:
> > Mission statement - Discussion on whether F-Spot targets image cataloging
> only
> > or includes Workflow functionality as this is linked to what user base is
> being
> > targeted. Request for alternative mission statements to be drafted.
> >
> >   
> Does this mean F-Spot will not try to target e.g. Google's Picasa users 
> and just support cataloging functionality and no editing capabilities? 
> What was the outcome of this discussion? Sorry if the answer to these 
> questions are to be posted soon.

My take on it was. There was no decision on the outcome as there were a number
of ideas put forward that require some thought, although I think the consensus
would like to try and cover both user bases.


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