

I thought a little bit about the tagging UI in f-spot. I'm not really happy with the existing one. Well, tags or categories or however you call it are the most important feature for me for collecting and organizing stuff. Bookmarks, text, links, photos, whatever. This is because I love f-spot so much to manage my photos. Its just great, I think.

The problem with adding, removing and creating tags in f-spot for me is that it needs time. I'm not talking about the time f-spot is hanging while writing the data to the images or into the database. I have a (not-very-small) list of tags and each time I have to search a specific tag with the f-spot UI. I miss a way to add tags using the keyboard only. Just having a text field where I can write the tag(s) in without having to open this huge tag list.

I tried flickr now and I have an account there now since a few days ago. I love the tagging in flickr. Its just great. Simple, quick, not complicated. It would be so great to have a much simpler ui in f-spot for tagging pictures.

Are you able to manage your tags quickliy with the f-spot ui? Am I doing something wrong? Do I miss a feature which is yet there and/or do I have too much tags?

I saw a mail or a patch for smaller tag icons but I did not find it right now. Is there a plan to include it? Is there a plan to include an option to disable tag icons at all?

I would appreciate your opinions and tips on managing and handling with tags in f-spot. With my growing tag list (~50) I am not able to manage them efficiently any more.

Thank you and Regards

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