Re: Query patch

On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 08:50:53PM +0200, Jakub Steiner wrote:
> Howdy list!
> Gabriel's gui query editor received a positive feedback from the crowd
> at the summit. Although quite rightly the text query got a much bigger
> applause :) 
> Gabriel spent some time trying to implement a few additions we discussed
> to make it more discoverable how to edit the query. 
> Mockup:

This looks very good!

> Rationale:
> Drag and Drop
> ------------------------
> Shift is usually used as a modifier key to negate or toggle the action
> performed, so it would be reasonable to have a dragged tag be added to
> the query as AND and the shift key to toggle to OR.

If I was a mouse user then I would like a way to not having to drag and
drop. But I don't know if this is possible in a intuitive way?

> It may be nice to be able to have the text and the gui search translate
> to each other. I'm not sure putting a toggle button onto the search
> stripe would be a good idea. Just two entries in the menu and two
> shortcuts would do I think. 

Is it always possible to go from text-search to gui-search. If one can
make a search like "not (A or B or C and D)" I guess it can be showed in
the gui search?

I'm looking forward to the next release now!

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