Original export


I see you have "fixed" the comments in original export twice now. It
still doesn't work at all. The filename _must_ be just 1.txt 2.txt and
so on. Not img-1.txt... Second, it's plain ugly to have "Photo 1 This is
the description". Much better to use only the description if it's
available. Else, use "Photo 1".

I have this patch that does this. It's probably both ugly and wrong, but
it works for me. Sent something similar some weeks ago. Please, please
implement something similar in f-spot.

Best regards,
--- src/FolderExport.cs.orig	2006-01-08 20:44:33.768078536 +0100
+++ src/FolderExport.cs	2006-01-09 00:36:35.972200568 +0100
@@ -457,11 +457,6 @@
 			return String.Format ("img-{0}.jpg", photo_index + 1);
-		private string AlternateName (int photo_index, string extension) 
-		{
-			return System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (ImageName (photo_index)) + extension;
-		}
 		private void SetTime ()
 			try {
@@ -483,9 +478,11 @@
 		private void CreateComments(string photo_path, int photo_index)
-			StreamWriter comment = File.CreateText(SubdirPath  ("comments", AlternateName (photo_index + 1, ".txt")));
-			comment.Write("<span>photo " + (photo_index + 1) + "</span> ");
-			comment.Write (collection [photo_index].Description + "\n");
+			StreamWriter comment = File.CreateText(SubdirPath  ("comments", photo_index + 1 + ".txt"));
+                        if (collection [photo_index].Description != "")
+                                comment.Write ("<span>" + collection [photo_index].Description + "</span>\n");
+                        else
+                                comment.Write("<span>Photo " + (photo_index + 1) + "</span> ");

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