Re: f-spot in a photo workflow

On 8/18/06, Aigars Mahinovs <aigarius gmail com> wrote:
That is why we need stacking of photos witha way to arbitrary add or
remove photos to/from a stack. A stack would differ from a group in
that only the top image from the stack would be shown in the photo
timeline. In that the stacking is more like 'versions' then 'tags'.

What I was considering to do was to make it possible to add "tags"
which affect the presentation of the image rather than just group it
with other images. Perhaps it's best to call it something other than a
"tag" though as that can make it confusing.

This way you can treat a stack just like a group but one (or more) of
the images has a special attribute/tag which is called "top" or
"visible" or something similar. Only images with that attribute are
actually shown in the normal icon view. All images are shown if you
chose to expand the group.

I believe such a system could be very versetile for other features as
well. Such as ratings and similar. But I think it requires some
further thinking and there are more pressing things to fix before.


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