New To The List w/ a Question

Just started using F-Spot.  Over-all I think it has great promise.  For the record, I am using it on the latest Ubuntu preview, and have .13. 

I've been going through and tagging my pictures.  I've found a few bugs, like the inability to resize the windows, etc....but am OK with this since it isn't even claiming to be beta quality yet.

But, what really surprised me, and I consider to be a usability bug is the way it handles the boolean searches.  I'll explain more clearly.

I have a friend named Carlos.  He and I have been to many places together.  I have many photos of he and I all over the place.  I have tagged the photos by location, and who is in the photo.  I have pictures from Camp, Climbing, and the local bar for instance.

Now, let's pretend I want to search my photos.  I go and decide I want to look at Climbing pictures, and then I decide I want to see pictures of my friend Carlos.  It seems logical that I select the check boxes for Climbing and Carlos.  I assumed (and most people will too I believe) that checking 2 or more boxes performs the boolean logic of

Show me every picture you have that are Climbing AND Carlos.   But, that is NOT what it is doing.  It instead shows me every picture I have that is marked Climbing OR Carlos.  Thus, instead of looking at pictures of us climbing together, like I wanted, I am looking at pictures of him at the bar.  Which is great, but not m goal at that moment.

Is this a bug or intentional?  If it is intentional, may I suggest you modify this?  I don't know c#, but maybe I'll download and stare at the code.  This is supposed to be a high-level language, and the code base can't be that huge, it's a new project.  If I do decide to do this, could anyone give me a pointer on where the boolean logic would be for this so I can find what I'm looking for more quickly?



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