Re: importing directories

I don't see where you can lose data from changing the setting surely
what is imported already will stay as it is and anything new goes to
this directory. Having the directory stuck as ~/Photos really doesn't
suit what I would like as my structure, I use /media/images/ and have
f-spot dealing with everything within that. A good compromise would be
to have it as build setting, by default use ~/Photos but a flag passed
in at build time could change it. Any one have any preferences?

I'm not keen on the idea of two dialogs, I think having one dialog with
a check box saying copy to enabled by default for anything known to be a
removable device and persistent for ant other folder would be best This
is possibly what is had with the CVS version but I only have 0.13
currently to base opinions from.


On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 13:44 -0500, David Moore wrote:

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