Re: F-Spot error message and loop

I would try to run F-Spot from the console, so you can see what file
is making the problem.

Also, there's probably no need to reinstall f-spot - you can just 'rm
-r ~/.gnome2/f-spot' to clear the database.

If you find out what file is making the problem, you can just no load
it into the library. It can also be helpful if you send it to the
list, so we could exaime and see what's wrong with it.


On 6/10/05, julie <jkowens bsn1 net> wrote:
> Help, please ...
> I've attached a screen shot (png format) of an error message I have received
> using F-Spot. I'm stuck in a loop that even re-booting doesn't resolve. No
> matter which button I click on in the error message, the message is still
> there when I restart the program. It is still there after re-booting.
> Therefore, I unable to use F-Spot.
> I installed F-Spot using F-spot-0.0.13-1mdk.i586.rpm on Mandrake 2005 LE
> system. The system has 526MG memory and a Sempron 2500 CPU on a PC Chips
> M825G motherboard with on board graphics.
> Here's what I was doing when this error message appeared:
> I opened F-Spot and tried opening a folder of JPGs located on a CD. (The CD is
> one I burned and is easily accessable using GIMP or Kwickshow.) The error
> message appeared half-way through loading the files.
> Perhaps it would have been better to open a file on my hard drive... but being
> stuck in an error message loop, I am unable to test this.
> Other than un-installing F-Spot and re-installing it, do you have any
> suggestions?
> Sincerely,
> Julie Owens
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