Storage Question


I have been following the activity around F-Spot with interest, and so far, I'm
liking the direction it's going :) I currently use Capture One DSLR, and I
would Love to get my images managed on my Linux systems...

I have a couple of questions about stuff that doesn't seem to have been
discussed yet:


Will it be possible to relegate storage to another system via some sort of
(cross platform?) network FS backend? I'm thinking of a couple of scenarios:

Single User, multiple machines:
User wishes to use f-spot on several PC's around the place, but have identical
data in each location. If he plugs in the laptop, and uploads images from the
recent trip, they will be visible on the desktop in the study the next time he
uses it.

Multiple Users, Multiple Machines:
In a group of people sharing the same network, once images are uploaded,
everyone can access and use them. Perhaps there would be 'shared' and 'private'
areas, but if you have ever tried to track down an image, and it is buried
somewhere on someone's hard drive, this idea makes a lot of sense.

The advantage is centralised store for both access, management and archiving.

Related question that has come up a few times, but I cannot see an answer, is
will F-Spot deploy to other platforms like Win32 and Mac OSX?



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