Re: [evolution-patches] Much improved search bar patch


i guess we should do a usability test.
>>> Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj novell com> 05/11/05 9:50 PM >>>
to be honest, I don't like the ui - I much prefer the current dialog
window (which is probably more to the liking of our target audience
anyway since they are most likely used to the search/find dialog that is
in Microsoft Word, Outlook, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and basically
every other application that has a search/find tool other than Firefox
which afaict, just did it to be different)

if the UI team decides that this interface is more intuitive, then I'll
review the patch, otherwise I don't think we want to consider this.

(appologies if this sounds rude/etc - that's not how I meant for it to
come out, but I just don't want to accept a patch that drastically
changes the UI without word upon high that this new interface is easier
for real users)


On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 05:02 -0600, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have attached the fix. Please review it. 
> I have to add stuff, like 
> + "ESC" to cancel search 
> + Kill 'X" button and close on lose of focus 
> Thanks 
> Srini. 
Jeffrey Stedfast
Evolution Hacker - Novell, Inc.
fejj ximian com  -

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