Re: [evolution-patches] mail HIG patch

Not Zed wrote:
Why do you do this here, but elsewhere you just set the frame to no
border and embolden the label?  Seems pretty complex, especially the "
" label???

And why do you do the same in the glade file?  Thats a huge semantic
difference to the code.

That is so the "frame" content will be indented with respect to the label. I completely agree that it is a pain. It would be great if the GtkFrame was changed to allow for simple indenting but it doesn't. In fact this is one area where the HIG actually does provide pretty specific guidelines (see Technical Details for Proper Layout under <>).

This same sort of thing has been done all over GNOME. And yes it kind of sucks.

That said, I do think the visual end product is very nice. It is just unfortunate that we don't have a simple widget that we can use. What I did in gnome-games is to hack a GamesFrame widget. However, I don't think we should try that here for a few reasons: it is too late in the schedule, may introduce unknown behavioral subtleties, harder to use in glade files.


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