Re: [Fwd: [evolution-patches] [resend] patches for #20672 (gtkhtml and mailer)]

On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 22:28, Radek Doul�wrote:
> looks like you aim at two flies at once. If I understand it well, there
> are two things:
>      1. stop composer autosaving when there are no changes from last
>         save
>      2. make evolution restore all composers after crash/shutdown (even
>         if they don't contain any changes from initial and/or saved
>         state)
> 1st is addressed by my patch and fixes an actual bug. That I would like
> to be reviewed by Jeff/Michael (Cc-ing you as it looks like you missed
> that thread?) and go to 1.4.x.
> 2nd is rather new feature, so it should be discussed and eventually go
> to 2.0.

Why is that a new feature? When I open a composer, and then evo crashes,
why shouldn't the composer be restored the next time, even if I didn't
make any changes in it? That's a bug in my book.

> I think the point 2. of your test case should autosave immediately
> before saving to get consistent behavior. (if evo crashes between save
> draft and autosave one minute later, composer will not be recovered on
> evo start) 

Well, actually it will, but the version autosaved shortly before saving.

> That new feature makes sense to me. As you pointed out it will need also 
> changes to evolution closing code - to be able quit without closing all 
> the composer windows. (should fire question dialog asking whether you 
> want to quit evolution with unfinished composers and recover them on 
> next start)

Actually, I'd like it to behave again as 1.2 (or was it way back in 1.0?
:) used to, i.e. keep composers autosaved on exit and recover them on
startup, no questions asked. A kind of session management for composers,
if you will.

Anyway, I can cope as long as you don't take --force-shutdown away from
me as well. ;)

Earthling Michel D�er      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Software libre enthusiast    |

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