[Evolution] Authentication Failures

Evolution 3.40.4 (flatpak git04222ec) 
Linux Mint:  5.4.0-126-generic #142-Ubuntu

Updated flatpak today and now I'm getting the following:

   Access blocked: Third-party app is using an unsupported OAuth method
   Google has safe ways for users to sign in and share their Google
   Account data with third-party applications. To help protect your
   account, Google sign-in requests are blocked from apps with less secure
   authorization methods because they’re more vulnerable to phishing and
   app impersonation attacks.
   Learn more about how your data is shared with third-party apps
   App sent an invalid request
   If the app is blocked because it uses an unsupported authorization
   method, you may be directed to an “Error 400” page that says “Access
   blocked: App sent an invalid request.”
   Info for app developers
   If your app uses the Loopback IP Address method for iOS, Android,
   and Chrome app OAuth client types or the Out-Of-Band method for any
   client type, you’ll need to migrate to a more secure alternative
   method. For detailed instructions, check the Out-Of-Band (OOO) flow
   migration guide and Loopback IP Address flow migration guide.
At the present time, my sessions are valid until they need to be
refreshed, at which point the above message appears. Currently, out of
the 8 accounts I use Evolution for .. 3 are throwing the aforementioned
error, the other 5 are still working.

Any idea what verstion might have updates to address it ?

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