Re: [Evolution] Sudden rash of segfaults and freezes

On Fri, 2022-09-30 at 13:55 -0500, Anonymous Japhering via evolution-
list wrote:
Mint notified that I had a bunch of updates pending, but no kernels. 
Most of what was pending was ancillary tools.  The notable exception
being lib webkit taking an incremental bump from 2.36.7-
0ubuntu0.20.04.1 to 2.36.8-0ubuntu0.20.04.1.

as long as you use Flatpak, most of the host system libraries updates
do not influence the Flatpak apps, they have their own libraries.

I'm currently experiencing segmentation faults and Evolution freezes
(the whole app -- requiring a flatpak kill  to escape from.

I agree with Andre, try to get a backtrace and file a bug. As it's a
Flatpak Evolution, file it there:
The Evolution upstream (the GNOME Evolution) does not provide those

If you want to downgrade your Flatpak version, you can use the
following command to get list of available commits:

 $ flatpak remote-info --user flathub org.gnome.Evolution// --log | more

and then pick one commit and apply this command:

   $ flatpak update --commit ID org.gnome.Evolution//

For example if you want to downgrade to 3.44.4 version, you'll run:

   $ flatpak update --commit \
     def74e5bce7c7a789f878f9d1562acfaa431edd6ff29902525d8e37dd1b8a736 \

I do not know how much it will stick, if you've enabled automatic


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