Re: [Evolution] Evolution Freezing and IPv6

On Mon, 2022-10-31 at 18:54 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
Then move on to using the CAMEL debugging 

CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:debug,imapx:extra evolution >& logfile

the above is the least thing you want to see (and read). What you want,
and what's the most often used, is:

   CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io,imapx:conman evolution

The imapx:io shows the communication between the server and the client,
the imapx:conman shows connection changes, including errors.

Though when the app is frozen, waiting for a response from the server,
or waiting for a connection, nothing will be printed in the debug logs.

The easiest way to see what an application is doing when it's frozen is
to gather a backtrace of it, ideally with debug symbols installed
(because without them it's useless); that means for evolution-data-
serve, evolution, glib2, glib-networking at least. You can get the
backtrace with a command like this:

   $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" --pid=`pidof evolution` &>bt.txt

Please check the bt.txt for any private information, like passwords,
email addresses, server addresses,... I usually search for "pass" at
least (quotes for clarity only).

Nonetheless, I also faced IPv6 routes issues with some servers. The
easiest was to disable IPv6 on the machine. I do not think you can do
much with the broken routes (or when the server has enabled IPv6, but
doesn't respond properly there).


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