Re: [Evolution] Problem with IMAP subscriptions

On Tue, 2022-06-21 at 14:53 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
-----Original Message-----

your way of replying to your original mail is quite confusing. I'm
sorry to say that, but it is.

However, now both of those accounts in Evolution initially show
subfolders but then they all disappear from the view.

Yours 3.38.3-1 is very old, I do not recall whether there was anything
specific for your issue fixed between all the months (the 3.38.3 had
been released at the beginning of the 2021). I see something related to
the IMAP subscriptions landed in 3.38.4, but whether it's related I do
not know.

When I try to manage subscriptions, they all appear under the Inbox
rather than peer to it.

As far as I can tell, what you see is what the server advertises. Some
servers can succeed with the move, but then reject the operation

When you remove ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<imap-account-uid> , then the
next start of Evolution the cache will be re-populated from scratch,
which means it can fix any inconsistencies in the local cache. It also
mean the account data will be all downloaded again, which can take time
and will use the network bandwidth.

I'm not sure whether your problem is the folder position relative to
the Inbox or the folders not being shown at all. You can set whether
you want to see only subscribed folders in the account Properties->
Receiving Options tab. When you disable "Show only subscribed folders"
you'll see all the folders advertised by the server.

Error fetching message: unknown body response

It looks like the server is returning something the IMAPx code cannot
decode. It would worth to test this with a more recent version. The version is the easiest way how to get the latest stable
version without influencing the host machine. It has its downsides too,
but at least for testing of the newer version, or when there's no other
option how to get to the latest version, it's perfectly sufficient.


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