Re: [Evolution] checking local mail causes high CPU usage?

On Tue, 2022-06-07 at 21:04 -0500, Tim McConnell via evolution-list
Sorry, I forgot the important stuff, I'm on Evolution 3.44.1-2  As of
this morning it's now 3.44.2-1 and Gnome was updated as well. I'm
waiting to see if that did the trick or not. Here's the rest of the
OS: Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid x86_64 
Host: MS-7721 9.0 
Kernel: 5.17.0-1-rt-amd64 
Shell: bash 5.1.16 
DE: GNOME 42.1 
WM: Mutter 
WM Theme: Adwaita 
Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3] 
Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3] 
Terminal: kgx 
CPU: AMD A6-7400K Radeon R5 2C+4G (2) @ 4.092GHz 
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R5 Graphics 
Memory: 2226MiB / 6972MiB 
WebKitGTK: 2.36.3-1

Am I right in interpreting this that you have 2Gb of memory and 6Gb of
swap?  If so, then you need to look at the memory usage of your various
programs - Evolution on my system is using 1.6Gb at the moment and I'm
not even looking at particularly large emails. My whole system is using
8Gb of my 16Gb and that's just "normal" desktop stuff.  It may be that
your high CPU usage is the system trying to cope with low memory and
large emails.


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