[Evolution] Deleted font used by evolution

Opps for got the version
Evolution: 3.44.2 (3.44.2-1.fc36)
also forgot to make it plain text.

Hi All,

I had a problem where I think I deleted the colour emoji font from our
I was kindly helped to locate the font and the reload it. Thanks again
for the help.

In trying to get the colour imogi fonts working I appear to have the
deleted the colour font for the icons like the file icon down the left.
They are now B/W ones. This is only the case with the machine I was
trying to get the imogi to work, my computer is fine. Can you advise
which font it is so I can download and re-install it.

There is also the fact that a line that was between the end of the
email and the attachments (in preview mode) is also now missing. The
user thinks it happened at the same time as the font etc changes. I
think they are all related. Any help appreciated. Functionally all is
working so this is not urgent just some help with what to checkout is

I have included a jpeg of the correct and "now" incorrect version.


Attachment: Font.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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