Re: [Evolution] Take Evolution offline from a bash script?

On Mon, 2021-10-18 at 12:24 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Fri, 2021-10-15 at 15:37 -0600, larry wrote:
I want to back up Evolution mail using a cron job.
I want to use tar, but I would prefer that files in the
don't change while it's happening.

I guess you foresee a manual backup, not to use the backup utility
provided by the Evolution itself, hidden under the File-
Evolution settings menu options, right?

I wouldn't encourage people to use this for regular backups, such as
nightly cron job, as it copies everything, not just changes. As we've
discussed before, it's really aimed at moving your account data to a
new installation.

I just use my normal nightly system backup. There's no need for a
separate utility for Evolution.


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