Re: [Evolution] LDAP cannot add contacts

On Sun, 2021-11-14 at 18:03 +0100, Johannes Winterhalter wrote:
Evolution (here version 3.38 and 3.42) seems to ignore a manual base
dn added in account information. When adding a new contact, always
the first base dn from the server is added to the entry, so instead
of uid=elvis,ou=people,dc=gotten,dc=heim evolution shortens it to
uid=elvis,dc=gotten,dc=heim.  Is there a way to make Evolution
respect the additional ou -Entry? Adding it manually to the base dn
does not help.
as far as I can tell, the search base DN from the LDAP book Properties
->Using LDAP tab->Search Base entry is used when creating new contacts.

You can see what's happening in the background when you run the address
book factory with LDAP debugging on:

   $ LDAP_DEBUG=1 /usr/libexec/evolution-addressbook-factory -w

and then run Evolution. The actual path can differ in your
distribution. There should be shown lines like:

    Sending the following to the server as ADD
    Adding DN: .....

when the debugging is on.

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