Re: [Evolution] editing members of a contact list


On Fri, 2021-03-05 at 08:47 -0800, Brewster Gillett wrote:
Running EVO 3.38.4 under Fedora 33

I have scoured the help files accompanying the software, and those I
could find on the Web, and I cannot find the instructions for editing
the individual elements of a contact list. In other words, deleting
list members, or changing a list member's email address. Every manual
entry I can find stops before discussing that level of granularity.

Where can I find this?

It's likely not covered because there wasn't any expressed need so far.
Which steps have you performed and what exactly is unclear?

Basically: Go to contacts view, open address book, select the contact
list entry and open it, use the "Add" and "Remove" buttons, save it.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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