Re: [Evolution] Rules bug?

On Mon, 2021-07-26 at 12:31 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Mon, 2021-07-26 at 06:49 -0400, David Frier wrote:
On Mon, 2021-07-26 at 06:39 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
Evolution is a mail client for a desktop
environment.  If someone wants always-on automated services then
what servers are for; there are service-side filtering systems
such as
Sorry, this is just so wrong. 
But in this specific case you do not "press Send". It is the filter
action that is "sending" the email.

It is also operationally incorrect.  When you press send it goes to an
Outbox and may-or-may-not immediately go to A SERVER which is not the
destination.  That server may hold the message, the message will in
most use-cases relay through the spools of multiple servers.

however your email gets to you via a server surely. It is on that
server that filtering such as this should arguably happen. Many email
services already implement server side filtering (such as SIEVE) and
you may get a better experience by investigating what your mail
server provides.

This.  In 2021 what IMAP provider does not provide a server-side
filtering solution?

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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