[Evolution] calendar :: copy/move/delete multiple selected items

I use the versions "evolution 3.40.0-1" and "evolution 3.36.5-ubuntu1".
I have problems when trying to copy or move or delete multiple calendar entries. 
I'm not able to select some entries e.g. with cntl-left-click or a range with shift-left-click.
So I can only e.g. move one entry to an other folder.

Which keystokes do I have to press to do the task?

As a makeshift I used the sqlite3 cache.db, selected the relevant entries from ECacheObjects 
and exported column ECacheOBJ to a sequential ics file that I imported to the destination folder.
With the local calendar I could identify entries with attachments before import, copy the 
attachments to the new directory and sed the new path in the exported ics file. The local 
calendar had to be moved to the new one of the calendar server.
But this covers only a copy, not a move or a delete.

Are there "better"/"safer" ways to do the task available?

Thanks & Rgds,

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