Dear Milan,
I am sending my message to the entire list now, but the reason why I sent my message just to you is because you had originally suggested I do that. That's because the output from
EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution
(which I had attached to the message sent just to you) contains lots of private info. And I don't really know which parts are private to remove them all before sharing with the list.
I am happy to post the output from EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution to the list, I just hope that you can first only extract the relevant parts of it (there is ~90 pages of it).
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Messages marked Unread self-mark as Read
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 09:20:39 +0100
I vaguely recall something similar with IMAP, but nothing with EWS. The
EWS works differently than IMAP. When you mark message as read the
account saves the change within a minute or so on its own. You can even
select a different folder, which will save the changes immediately.
When you return back to the folder it is updated with the content on
the server. I do not see a reason why the save would fail. You might
run Evolution from a terminal and check its output, in case there would
be printed anything related. You can also enable EWS debugging with:
$ EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution
to see what Evolution sends to the server and what the server returns.
The log shows raw communication, which is not share-able in public
without sanitizing, because it contains a lot of private information.
You can limit the interesting parts of the log when you "mark" a place
just before you mark message as read and move to a different folder;
then only the new content since that mark until you return back to the
folder and see the previously marked message as read to be unread is
One problem with EWS log is also that some parts can be encoded, thus
it's not obvious that the encoded part contains private information,
aka the private information is not always shown in the plain text. I
mean, if you'll be sharing the log, then be careful. If unsure, then
send the log only to me for a quick observation, just reference this
thread, thus I won't overlook your mail in my spam folder.
-----End Of Original Message-----
Dear Milan,
I did not do your recommendation (to run $ EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution and report the output) for a long time in the hope that the issue would resolve with updates, so I wouldn't have to be sending you this. It's been almost a year and the problem/bug persists, so I am finally following your advice. The output is attached.
I am responding to your personal email, as you recommended, because there is lots of information in that log that is probably private, but I don't know which one.
As a reminder, the problem/bug in my Gnome Evolution, now ver. 3.30.5-1.1 on Debian 10, for the last year was that in my 3 EWS accounts, when I read a message, close it, mark it as Unread, go to a diggerent folder, and when I return, the message gets marked Read (and no, it is not being open or previewed at that point). If I mark it as unread a second time, going to another folder and then returning no longer causes it to be marked Read anymore. All of this doesn't happen in the POP account.
It is 90 (even after I deleted a ton of what I thought was gibberish), so look for the following text identifying when I did what, including the ##:
1. Everything starts from the moment I run EWS_DEBUG=2
2. Then look for:
#now will open an email to mark it as read##
3. Lastly, look for:
## now going to another folder and back to the Inbox, upon the return in which the message got marked as Read##
Thank you in advance for your help with this!!!