Re: [Evolution] troublesome cache

BUT that data is backed up somewhere else, you can deleted the cache,
but as soon as evo is restarted  exactly the same files are restored to
There is a backup copy of the cache that evo uses to restore the cache
should it be deleted.

No, because it's not a cache then.  The cache just contains local
copies of data downloaded from the server (plus a few oddities).

I need to delete that back up so the cache can be flushed.
There is nothing in the help file anywhere , thats why I'm asking
There are corrupted files in the cache and they need to be removed
That cache needs to flushed

Deleting .cache/evolution is *the* way to do it - but make sure all
evolution components are not running before you do it.

Certainly evolution will create the cache when it starts, but that's
not copied from anywhere. What I suspect you are seeing is information
that isn't stored in the cache. Have you tried simply deleting the
account in evolution and re-creating it?  If it's 7 years since you've
used the account data, then it definitely needs to be deleted and
reconfigured - removing the cache will not do that.


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